Low Level Aerial Photography
in collaboration with sHaPe sHiFtEr mOdELWoRks
© In Plane View
In Plane View specialises in obtaining high quality, low-level aerial images. Our low-level aerial photography service rapidly captures plan and oblique views of archaeological sites and features – with no advance preparation and at a very competitive price compared to alternative techniques. This low-level aerial photography service has many other applications including construction industry site development, property marketing and surveying, legal disputes, PR and tourism.
These images are acquired using a high-resolution digital camera attached to a vehicle-mounted 20m-high pneumatic mast; the camera is controlled at ground level via a laptop computer which allows client input to the capture process. Alternatively, the camera can be attached to a kite or a shorter (9.5m) handheld mast. A UAV can also be deployed, 3-D data terrain models can subsequently be produced for site visualisation excercises. Using our 4x4 vehicle, any site can be reached from busy city centres to remote rural locations in any part of the UK.
This type of aerial photographic service offers significant benefits over competing methods: time and cost savings, reduced Health and Safety and insurance issues and the ability to move quickly to capture images from multiple points of view across a site. It also removes the need to employ aircraft, helicopters, scaffolding towers, cherrypickers, stepladders etc.
To discuss your particular needs, call us anytime on 07990 725 657 or click here for our other contact details.